hiya.. haf been some time ago since i last updated dis blog.. hee.. dunno wat to write.. anyway.. this is for u taukee.. wan to know more gossips? lemme see.. i juz finished my musculoskeletal test.. and was busy wif
salsa dance practise for the past few days.. (fyi, salsa dance is a couple dance hehe). MY uni ball is coming up .. so everyone is busy getting their dresses.. mine is dark purple .. will post some pics of the event next time k .. some have dates n some... otherwise.. :) i
went back to penang last week to see josh.. har.. guess wat... he
gained 700 g in 2 weeks! ha.. now he is a
severely obese puppy with oversized ass.. his fur is now measured up to
8.5 cm.. new toy is the mc donalds happy meal bear..
below are some advice that i can give for those who is thinking of having a shih tzu:
1. it is a high maintanence pet
2. it needs to be taken care of 24-7
3. do not leave him alone at home.. or else he will pee n do his business everywhere at home..
4. brush his hair everyday.. or else it will get tangled and this may eventually lead to skin infections.. and in some cases.. this will complicate to ulcers... very unsightly..
5. do not overfeed him.. or else he will be too fat and die of heart or liver failure..
6. do not leave pins or sharp objects on the floor for this pet likes to chew on anything he could put his hands on..
7. make sure that his facial hair do not poke into his eyes... he could develop eye irritation n get blinded eventually..
ha.. so u think its easy to rear such an adorable pet like josh.. think again.. hehe..
however.. shih tzu dogs are very loyal and fun companion.. they never fail to light up your day..
josh waits outside the bathroom for me when i was bathing and he follows me everywhere i go.. he likes to be played with and licks my lips when i asked him to kiss me.. great heh...
i'll try to post more pics of josh.. :)
take care!